Big Brother — we welcome you with open arms!

Yariv Adan
4 min readMar 23, 2024

27* product ideas for the Gemini 2.0 Era

Gemini 1.5 sparked the curiosity on WHAT IF we could merge the richness of video data input with the precision and power of language understanding. So we decided to list these ideas to tease your imagination. We hope you find these concepts as stimulating as we do.

*Why 27? 3 is the classic list size, raising it to the 3rd power seems appropriate of the large context era

Gemini 1.5 finding a needle in the stack of a full length silent movie (source: Gemini 1.5 blog post)

Public Safety and Security

  • Automated Surveillance for Public Safety: This is the ultimate Big Brother system. However, it’s also a life saver for any parent who lost their 3 y/o in a giant amusement park, just when it’s about to close, getting dark, and everyone is rushing out (been there done that). This system could scan public areas in near-real time, spotting suspicious behavior or items, and pinpointing people in distress, lost people / items thereby swiftly alerting authorities to prevent emergencies or enhance investigation efficiency.
  • Automated Compliance and Safety Monitoring in Workplaces, schools, and public areas: Taking the big brother system one notch down / one level closer to home — monitors these environments to ensure compliance with detailed language-defined policy and regulations.
  • Crisis Response and Management: Leveraging AI to analyze drone or helmet-cam footage during natural disasters or emergency situations, providing first responders with critical information about hazards, trapped individuals, or the safest routes for evacuation
  • Crowd Management System: Analyzes video feeds to control crowd density and flow, spotting potential dangers or congestion and bottlenecks at public events.
  • Fire Detection and Management: Real-time analysis of forest or urban area feeds to detect early signs of fire and expansion patterns, providing precise location data to firefighters.

Health and Wellness

Another area with tons of opportunities that demands a thoughtful balance between value and privacy.

  • Monitor the well being and relationships of families, couples, organizations, and teams: This is an idea I had for many years, and I have been waiting patiently for the tech to mature. It’s a combination of Big Brother that is constantly watching your most intimate interactions combined with Black Mirror dystopian reality. Imagine a system that watches over our interactions with loved ones or people we must collaborate and spend time with, offering guidance to improve our relationships. Basically analyze all the communication (or lack of), activities, body language, and interactions over time. While it may seem invasive and disturbing (it is!), such technology, if managed with strict privacy standards, could be a powerful ally in preserving familial bonds and workplace harmony. What can ever go wrong?!
  • Mental Health Support Tool: This application delves deeper into personal wellness by observing therapy sessions or daily vlogs for signs of mental health issues, providing timely alerts to therapists or individuals.
  • Personalized Fitness Coach: This one is a no brainer after the previous ones… Provides instant feedback on workout form, suggesting adjustments and personalized workout plans based on performance and progress
  • Elderly Care and Monitoring: Focused on senior safety, this system watches for falls or unusual behavior, alerting caregivers or emergency services to provide quick assistance
  • Health analysis: Evaluates physical wellness through analysis of posture, movement, and physical stress testing, etc.

Sports, Media, and Entertainment

  • (Near Real-time) Sports Analytics System: Transform coaching and spectatorship by offering detailed insights into every game moment.
  • Dynamic Video Content Personalization: Works with GenAI to tailor video content to individual viewer preferences and interactions.
  • Automated (near-Real-time) Fact-Checking and bias for News Broadcasts : using a combination of video analysis, speech recognition, and database cross-referencing to promote informed / balanced viewership and counter misinformation.
  • Automated Fact-Checking for News Broadcasts: Combines video analysis and data cross-referencing to ensure news integrity and counter misinformation.
  • Film and Video Editing Assistant: Revolutionizes content creation by automating the editing process, enhancing storytelling with AI insights.
  • Content Compliance Monitor: Helps media outlets and social platforms ensure their content adheres to regional standards, automatically detecting and addressing violations. Most probably helpful in identifying Deepfakes.

Education and Learning

  • Interactive Educational Content: Transforms educational videos into engaging, interactive experiences with quizzes and augmented reality enhancements.
  • Skill-Based Training Feedback Tool: Provides instant feedback on a wide range of practical skills, enriching the learning process. From surgical procedures, through mechanical tasks, instrument playing and all the way to YoYo playing, Hula-hooping and other exciting hobbies.
  • Cooking Coach: Offers guidance and instructional support for culinary skills through video analysis.

Innovation Worthy of Investment

  • Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring: Uses drones and cameras to monitor wildlife, aiding conservation efforts with real-time data.
  • Precision Agriculture Monitoring System: Analyzes crop conditions and pest activity to assist farmers in optimizing yields.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Watches over natural areas to detect changes, pollution, or illegal activities, contributing to environmental protection.


  • Automation through intelligent Screen Recording: Simplifies repetitive (complex) tasks.
  • Automated Quality Control in Manufacturing: Enhances product quality by identifying and analyzing defects in real-time.
  • Augmented Shopping Assistant: Uses video input to provide a seamless shopping experience, offering information and comparisons.
  • Visual Search Engine: Improving image-based search methods with continuous video input.
  • Enhanced Video Search Engine: Finally we can vlog our life!
The future?

Last but not least: Generate AI datasets from all the footage of things out there to train agents in the real world.

In conclusion, these ideas showcase a glimpse of the vast potential of combining video analysis with AI’s language understanding.We are well aware that ideas are cheap, and big challenges remain, both technical and ethical. Yet, the opportunities for innovation are immense. We invite those with the vision and drive to transform these and other ideas into successful startups — to reach out to us— we are happy to support you. Check us out at



Yariv Adan

Angel investor in early stage AI startups, Google Product exec